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Translation Agency Australia: 5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring

Choosing a translation agency Australia services can have a huge impact on how you present yourself in global markets. Hiring the right one can be a game changer for your business. However, with so many translation companies present in Australia, it feels overwhelming to make the right choice. In this blog, we’ll delve into the five most important questions before choosing the right translation services.

1. Are you NAATI Certified?

In Australia, being NAATI certified is important as it's the recognised accreditation set for translators and interpreters working in Australia. If the Translation Agency Australia is NAATI certified, it means that the agency has met the national standards for proficiency in their expertise language pair.

NAATI stands for National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters. It guarantees that translations are accurate and meet official standards.

2. What Are Your Areas of Expertise?

When choosing a reliable Translation Services Company, you can't choose translators with a one-size-fits-all service. You have to understand what your niche is and further choose based on their expertise.

In Australia, you can find translation services that have expertise in legal, medical, technical, financial, or marketing translation.

Enquire about their level of experience before choosing the right translation services.

For instance, if you are dealing with legal documents, the company should be experienced in using legal jargon and legal industry-related terminology, and if you’re dealing with technical content such as manuals or user guides, you should choose an agency that can maintain a level of accuracy and precision.

3. How Do You Guarantee Accuracy and Quality?

Discuss with your Translation Agency Australia regarding quality control processes. It's important to know that a translated text meets the highest standards of the industry. Typically, translation companies adhere to the following methods to guarantee accuracy and quality:

Human evaluation: Where native speakers or language experts with subject matter knowledge review the accuracy of the translated text.

Error analysis: This step is done by the translation company to identify and understand errors. Some of the common errors identified by the translation company are grammatical mistakes, mistranslations, omissions, and inconsistencies.

Comparative Analysis: With comparative analysis, you can compare the source text with the translated version. It helps you to evaluate the reliability of the translated text. The translator uses expert parameters, like writing style, tone, grammar, and much more, to evaluate the translated text through comparative analysis.

4. What is your Translation Process?

Each organisation has its own translation process, which is important to ensure quality and efficiency. A reliable translation agency has a qualified, systematic approach to translating the text.

The translation process involves an initial analysis of the source text that has to be translated, the translation done by the translator, editing to ensure the work is free of any errors, proofreading for final quality checks, and delivery of the translated documents. Furthermore, there are two to three translators involved in the process as they review the work to be reliable and professional.

5. How Do You Ensure Confidentiality?

The documents that are with the Translation Services provider are sensitive and might be of a legal nature. One of the common concerns during the translation process is confidentiality.

It's best that you ask your agency about their confidentiality policies and what online and offline methods they use to transmit files. Some companies even help you provide NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) that ensure that none of your information is leaked and they are handled with the utmost care.


Choosing the right translation services is an important step towards your documents being translated safely and reliably. Consider these above-mentioned questions to make an informed choice. By asking these questions, you ensure that you set yourself up for success and avoid costly mistakes.

Abacus Translators is a renowned name in the translation industry in Australia. If you’re looking for NAATI-translated services with the utmost expertise, confidentiality, and quality, contact us now!
